Thursday, March 28, 2013

Marbling in Iran

  Paper marbling to be examined at Malek museum

Iranian and foreign experts will examine the status of paper marbling in old Persian texts and manuscripts in a session arranged at Malek Museum and Library.
IBNA: According to the public relations office of the Malek Library, the session is arranged with assistance from Majlis Library and Document Center and the Specialized History of Islam and Iran Library.

The session’s speakers will be Mohammad Hassan Semsar, Shahryar Piruzram, Faranak Bahr al-Oloui, Roya Bahari, Narges Pedram, and Yushifusa Seke, Japanese university lecturer.

Parallel with the session, a showcase of paper marbling in manuscripts entitled as Four Centuries of Paper Marbling in Iran from Safavids to Qajars will be held in which exquisite marbling works kept in the library will be put on display.

The session is slated for Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at Malek National Library and Museum in Tehran.

Thursday, March 21, 2013